Friday, March 28, 2014

Hamlet - ACT IV - "Presentation"

Hamlet ACT IV Presentation - 

Thursday April 3rd

As you read Act IV -- you are to focus on the character you are assigned (Gertrude, Claudius, Ophelia, or Laertes) and jot down your responses to the questions on the "Character Questions" handout.

You will meet with the other members of your group to prepare an 8-to-10 minute presentation on your character. This presentation is to be informative and insightful. You may use any format and materials (Lecture, Posters, Video, Interpretative Dance, Puppets, etc.) that appeals to your group as long as your presentation includes the information asked for in the questions. 

As we have already established, any conclusions you draw must be supported with textual references. 

Remember that the answers to the questions will provide you only with the 'raw data' for your presentation. Your job as a group is to assemble the data into an interesting and informative presentation.

GROUP 1 - GERTRUDE (Danielle A, Rawann, Jackie H, Em Kass, Timmy, Samantha Sckipp)
GROUP 2 - CLAUDIUS (Jallen, Jengg, Juliana, Bianca, Bryant, Rebecca)
GROUP 3 - OPHELIA (Kevin, Catherine, Kaitlyn, Rachel-Rachel, Steven R, Samantha S,) 
GROUP 4 - LAERTES (Cristiana, JenG, Brian, Steven K, Zach, John, Michelle)