Shakespeare in Love is a 1998 British romantic comedy-drama film directed by John Madden, written by Marc Norman and playwright Tom Stoppard. The film depicts a love affair involving playwright William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) while he was writing the play Romeo and Juliet.
The story is fiction, though several of the characters are based on real people. In addition, many of the characters, lines, and plot devices are references to Shakespeare's plays.
Shakespeare in Love won seven Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Actress (Gwyneth Paltrow) and Best Supporting Actress (Judi Dench).
ESSENTIAL QUESTION - Is the film Shakespeare in Love worthy of "Shakespeare"?
5 May 2014 (Monday)
In Class: Draft – handwritten
Answer the following question –
Is the film Shakespeare in Love worthy of a ‘Shakespearean’
all of the story elements used within a typical Shakespeare play – plot, theme,
character, a bit with a dog, etc.
the questions for each of the scenes if necessary
this is an opinion piece, please be specific in your responses – back up your
thoughts with evidence from the film
Type response – Standard MLA format / Due Tuesday May 6th
2 May 2014 (Friday)
Viewing / Discussion - 1:30 - END
Questions in Study Guide for Scenes Viewed in Class
1 May 2014 (Thursday)
Viewing / Discussion - 1:10 - 1:30
Questions in Study Guide for Scenes Viewed in Class
30 April 2014 (Wednesday)
Viewing / Discussion - 00:50 - 1:10
Questions in Study Guide for Scenes Viewed in Class
29 April 2014 (Tuesday)
Viewing / Discussion - 00:25- 00:50
Questions in Study Guide for Scenes Viewed in Class
28 April 2014 (Monday)
Viewing / Discussion - 00:00 - 00:25
READ "Shakespeare's London"
(Do Not Do Tasks/Assignments)