Monday, March 24, 2014

Lesson 12 - "Get Thee to a Nunnery" -- Film Viewing

In Class:
The history of the nunnery scene is notable for its diversity. Directors have set it in rooms both private and public. The pace fast or slow. Hamlet is violent or tender.

One of many questions all directors have to settle -- is Ophelia chaste? Is she a good girl, innocent? Could she be pregnant by Hamlet? Could she be sexually experienced?

Imagine this scene in Ophelia's bedroom with Claudius and Polonius, her father, hiding - listening, watching - while Hamlet seduces her. Awkward.

Whole Class:
View the following scenes and take notes on what you observe.

Using the Nunnery Scene (viewed and read) as evidence of Hamlet and Ophelia's romance – make some inferences:
- How did it start?
- How long has it gone on?
- What does Ophelia like about Hamlet?
- What does Hamlet like about Ophelia?
- How do they see each other?
- What do they do together?
- How much sexual attraction is there between them?
- What do they fight about?
- How does Ophelia see their future?
- How does Hamlet see their future?
-- What aspects of the acting, directing, and filming helped to form your opinion?


- Re-Read Hamlet 3.2.96-317